
7月 12, 2020の投稿を表示しています

(うとQブログ「同乗船、隣接乗組員」)(2020/7/18 pm 7:35)

2020/7/18-3 (うと Q ブログ「同乗船、隣接乗組員」)( 2020/7/18 pm 7:35 ) コロナウィルスの第二波が来る前に、既に「真っ黒な世界」がやってきてしまったようです。 本日、なんでこんなに恵まれているのに、というような若い人気俳優が現時点原因は分かりませんが、自殺をし、同じく、首都圏の一部では、追跡可能な臨界点を超え、補足、制御不能になったことを覚悟しなければならないかのように、最高値のコロナ感染者が出ました。 こんな時どうするか、どう考えて行動すればいいのか? 自分の考えでは、我々はいま「日本という船」に乗り合わせた乗組員だと考えるしかないと思っております。 国籍はどこか?どこの国から来た人か?というのは無意味で、どの階級に属しているか ? 首都圏に住んでいるのか、地方なのかというのも無意味。母国がどこであり、出身地、出身階級がどこであれ、とにかくこの「日本という船」に現下、たまたま、且つ奇しくも乗り合わせた乗組員であると認識すべき時だと思います。 乗客と乗組員ではなく、全員が乗組員として、船を大嵐から守る行動をしないと、どんな肩書や属性の人も、一人として助かりません。 お上がどうの、民がどうの、老人がどうの、若年層がどうの、男がどうの、女がどうのと、責任を押し付け合っている場合でもありません。 仮に押し付け切ったとして、そのあとで船が沈んでしまったら、その手柄を誰が記録し、誰に報告するのでしょう? 茶番でしょう。誰も喜ばない名誉を抱いて水底に沈んで、海の藻屑として消えてください。 全員海の藻屑として水底に沈むことなく、次の寄港地にどうやったらいけるか?全員が知恵を絞って、全力を尽くして働くしかないのではないでしょうか? 少なくとも今は、意見や利害を異にする隣人を、一時なりとも受け入れてはどうでしょう?同じ船の乗組員という「肩書」ではなく「状況」を。  

Uto-Q blog “Strong reflection (reconsideration)”

7/18/2020-2   (Uto-Q blog “Strong reflection (reconsideration)”) I think the order of matters is exactly important.   As its basis, "a big situation explains a small situation".   First, the natural situation regulates the economic situation,   The economic situation stabilizes the state of the country or the workplace,   The country or work situation controls the family situation,   The family situation dictates the personal situation.   Speaking of the time, the capital and the damage caused by the storms and floods face the current economic downturn, the deterioration of the economy causes the country's administrative situation or workplace to deteriorate, and the country's condition   Deterioration or deterioration of the workplace causes the home situation to deteriorate.   It is oppressing the psyche of every individual.   However, in normal times, we are oblivious to the exact opposite order, we will not forget the o...

うとQブログ 「本日の観察レポート」

2020/7/18-2 (うと Q ブログ 「本日の観察レポート」) ブログを書いていて、日本の読者の方と外国の読者の方で「いいね」のつけ方に面白い違いが現れてきました。 曰く 日本の方は、ちょっとひねった「起承転結」スタイルを好み、外国の方は「転」即ち「ひねり」が入ると混乱するようで、どちらかというと「転」を除いた「起承結」を好まれるようです。 少なくとも、弊社の外国人翻訳者が日本語を英語に翻訳する際「転」が入ると訳文の「主語人称」がいつの間にか入れ替わってしまったり、時々翻訳が、面倒くさくなるのか「転」そのものが抜けてしまっていたりで、訳出されたものが「これっていったい何だっけ?」という訳の分からないものになっていたりします。 アタマの思考構造が、日本人は小説、フィクション、芝居仕立て構造で、外国人はビジネス文書、レポート、ニューズ・ウォッチング構造なのかもしれません。 外国人から見れば日本人の物言いや書き方は、持って回ったように見え、日本人から見れば外国人の物言いや書き方は、そっけなく感じられるのはそのような差、故の事のかもしれません。本日只今時点での、自分の観察によればですが。

uto-Q blog “If it will come true, both sides will get business benefit, but too far it is”

2020/7/18 (uto-Q blog “If it will come true, both sides will get business benefit, but too far it is”) Foreigners think, Japanese so easily speak Japanese language which we, foreigners, think it so incredibly difficult? But oppositely, such a Japanese people, why no can speak English, which much easier than their language? In Junior hi-school (secondary school) term, although 3 years learning about English, Japanese every student. “Under the such crisis, Corona, East Japan-great earthquake, no crying, no making noises, they can wait in line calmly, but faceless calmness?   On the other hand, Japanese people think, why do foreigners can express their emotions so clearly? And ” why can they say Yes or No straightly without a bow?” And then “Why don`t foreigners care about other person`s eyes surrounding them and standing alone greatly like a no concerning to their noises?” But Japanese people no say this question as usual at public place. However, while foreig...

uto-Q blog "Madness" analysis a case in Japan

2020/7/15   (uto-Q blog "Madness" analysis a case in Japan)   Bullying and mean.   Which is worse? Obviously neither is good, but in my sense, I think the latter is by far the bullying worse,   Why?   Bullying comes with a certain risk of being "punished" for doing so.   However, in the mean, I feel the "cowardlyness" of excluding the danger first and then sneaking secretly.   (A darkness level that is completely different from the "Ikezu (= Ijiwaru)" that appears in the TV anime Chibi Maruko-chan) For example, even though I am aware, I pretend not to notice and disturb the passage   To do Approaching   "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't notice it at all."   Tell a lie!!   Meaningfulness In Japanese, as you can read, the “ground” of the “meaning” you have (their) is (already) “bad”.   And it's mean.   In Japan, "bullying" between children and at work is becoming a problem, but "maji" is occurring at...

utokyu blog “Your saying depends on your position”

2020/7/15-3   (utokyu blog “Your saying depends on your position”) Good things and efforts take time Or you can't do it without hanging.   However, we often ask for the former, that is, the food, clothes, and furniture to be provided, but the latter, that is, the side that provides this, is reluctant to do so and "efficiently".   I feel like I tend to cut corners under the nickname.   Of course, there is no limit to the amount of time and effort that can be spent, and it does not mean that you can just use it, That's a huge cost increase.   There is a compromise.   In other words, how much time and effort can be spent within a limited or set fixed time, how much time can be spent to improve quality, and more specifically, whether the quality can be “included” within the time limit?   A spa is important.   However, the reality is that, as I said at the beginning, the level of demand as a consumer has risen but the same consumer is also a pr...

utokyu blog "Stop spinning wheel in your mind”

2020/7 / 15-2 (utokyu blog "Stop spinning wheel in your mind”) Energy, strength, the fate of time.     When these three become overloaded luck opens.   However, in light of this "equation of success", in the present case there are only "force", "physical strength" and "fate of time".   If the latter two do not exist, what happens when you consider the endless marathon of skills, fists, and a circular rotating basket of fists, it makes you anxious.   I think you can imagine.     Therefore, in order to restore the above destiny must need to Maintaining "spirit"     To restore "physical strength"     Wait for "Destiny Time" to arrive,   In short, "don't lose hope, take a good rest. The sprouts sprout, don't hesitate to call you and wait slowly." In other words While holding "patience" and "spice", "hold" without waiting for "the destiny of time...

utokyu ikki’s day thought “This is a great opportunity for foreign IT engineers in our country”

2020/7 /14 (utokyu ikki’s day thought “This is a great opportunity for foreign IT engineers in our country”)   If DX (= digital transformation) is a key word for the New World trend in later Corona, I think countries' future price ratings will change significantly.   Now I can feel it in Corona, I really felt it.   In fact, in more precise terms, the source of "trouble" is the lack of momentum in public government institutions such as emergencies such as Japan's government offices, foundations, affiliated associations and parastatals.   Almost all the necessities were "wedding cake coming after marriage" that will not make sense, or when I read it in depth, it`s the black joke for hurting their minds. Makes ヒト Hito(=staff), モノ Mono (=products or services), カネ Kane(=money) + 時間(じかん Jikan (=time or timing), the most recent. And last newly additional item=Time(timing) is the most important and main element(trigger) for getting staff, product, services, ...

うときゅういっき夜話 It`s a Great chance for foreign IT engineers staying in Our country!!

2020/7/14 (うときゅういっき夜話 It`s a Great chance for foreign IT engineers staying in Our country!! ) もし、アフターコロナにおいて DX(=digital transformation= デジタル未曾有的変革 ) が世界新潮流のキーワードとなるのであれば、国の将来価値順位は大きく入れ替わる気がします。 それを今コロナ禍において実感、いや痛感致しました。 実感、より的確に申せば「痛感」の元(ソース)はわが国の役所、財団法人、社団法人等公的機関及び準公的機関の緊急状態下でのあまりのスピード感のなさです。 ニーズに対して殆どすべてが「結婚式の後に来たウェディングケーキ状態」 全く意味をなさないか、深読みすれば殆ど嫌味状態でした。 ヒト、モノ、カネ+時間、の時間(タイミング)こそ , 前者全てを活かすものなのに。それがいつのまにか「欠如してしまった国」 これでは世界に太刀打ちできません。 逆に、外国から来られた IT 技術者さん達にとっては、絶好のビジネスチャンスでしょう。 兎に角、見込み対象顧客は山ほど(それも many,many どころか、 huge, いやうんざりするほどの too much enough ”many” ほど)いるんですから。 「殆ど、濡れ手に粟の草刈り場」同然ですよ!!外国から来られた IT エンジニアの皆さん!! 時間があるなら、本職以外の副業にももってこいですよ!!皆さんならコスト競争力がありますし ( 顧客にとってのコスパが高いですし ) ウィズコロナ、アフターコロナがもたらす千載一遇の「グレートチャンス」でっせ、みなさん!! (日本の IT エンジニアの皆さんも負けずにコスパを上げてくださいね!!これこそまさにあなたが生きている間の最大にして、残れなければ最後になるファイナル・サバイバル・バトルですから。かねてより申し上げておりますとおり「適者生存枠外」になりますから)

Utokyu ikki’s night story Let it break down, the word “Leak”

2020/7/13 (Utokyu ikki’s night story   Let it break down, the word “Leak”) As forecast, at night the wind and rain began to get strong, windows were opened for ventilation and fresh air, it`s for corona shutting, the sound of heavy rain and rain like a jets sounds. There was black night of the wind and rain. I saw a wavy tree and found it in front of me.    "Are you still disciplined?"    "Why don't you discipline yourself?" "If you don't follow discipline, I'll tell you what's wrong, and I'll remind you." "Get up quickly, before this happens, please fix it." I felt like I was listening. As a "leak" from goodwill for stopping our human being`s wrong activities.